There is no school administrator who can deny the importance of ERP meant for the management of academic institutions. It has almost been essential to have school management software for better management and successful operation of entire works along with effective communication within the campus. As it is hard to deny the importance so, it is also very hard to ignore the things/applications that a school management system should have. There are numerous things but here only 3 things are mentioned. Go through the content.
1. Electronic Rollbook
Your school software should have a good rollbook. It is the application which will help you in balancing the numbers at the term end to save teachers hours frustrations. It takes very little time to fill up if it is thought that everyone will automatically be present. It becomes easier for a teacher to mark absent on the due date.
2. Integration with Google Calendar
The integration of school calendar with Google works wonder. So, make sure that the software you are purchasing for your school has integration with Google calendar or not. This decision will be very beneficial for you in managing your school operational works.
3. Electronic Notice Board
The school management software Delhi having electronic notice board will be a great support for you in your operational work. It removes manual work need in which you would have to write the notice on whiteboard and omit the previous to write new one. Just type the message on computer screen and the notice will be displayed on all the notice boards installed in the entire campus.
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